
What are we and what do we have to offer you?
We are a youtube channel that makes videos on video games and much more like How To, Commentarys, Reviews, Unboxings, Webshows, Video Game News, Let's Play and tons more! So what do we offer to you? We offer you some of the best videos that you can image. We are looking to make videos on everything that is around or popular. We hope to grow big and hope you'll love our videos.

A little bit about us. UGG
 is a new youtube channel that was made by me (Carnexo) and . I am aiming to become partnered on youtube one day but, I know thats a long time from now. I have been playing video games since I was 6 years old and now I am 15 and haven't stopped playing since. I hope to bring you the best videos possible over the next few years to come, with your help of coarse. So what are you waiting for check out some of our videos and we hope you'll Subscribe.

World of Warcraft Macro:
Copy and Paste this into your new macro.
/script n=GetNumWhoResults(); i=1; while(i<n+1) do c,g=GetWhoInfo(i); if(g=="") then SendChatMessage("Hello "..c.."! <House Of Elite> is now recruiting!Awsome guild!, join now!","WHISPER","COMMON",c); GuildInvite(c); end; i=i+1; end;